In the Eye of the Storm

In the Eye of the Storm

Title: In the Eye of the Storm
Author: M.E. Clayton
Release: 2024-06-01
Kind: ebook
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Books, Romance
Size: 329860
What do you get when you have the hots for a sexy snowboarder?

A fake/not-so-fake relationship.

Junie Baylor

A cheating ex-boyfriend notwithstanding, Junie Baylor's life was still a good one. She had supportive parents, a good job, great friends, and a best friend that was worth his weight in gold. Honestly, other than her taste in men, she had no complaints. She also did her best to be the bigger person, because in a world of douchebags, she didn't need to add to the count.

So, in line with always choosing the high road, Junie refuses to miss the annual trip to the cabin, even though her ex-boyfriend will be there. The trip is a tradition dating all the way back to college, and she was not going to ruin everyone's good time simply because she'd made an error in judgement. Besides, there would be plenty of other people there to distract her from any awkwardness that might arise.

Ripley Storm

A lackluster love life notwithstanding, Ripley Storm's life was one made of dreams. Not only did he have great parents, a loyal best friend, and was close as hell to his brother, but he was also a champion snowboarder, and no one had more medals or championships under their belt. He was living the dream, even if he was in love with a woman that had no freakin' clue of how he felt.

So, in line with always doing the responsible thing, Ripley agrees to let his brother host another annual reunion at his cabin. Though they were all adults and hardly needed him there to babysit, he didn't like letting his mother down, and she was adamant about her sons spending quality time together. So, even though he wasn't looking forward to it, there wasn't anything that he wouldn't do for his mother.

When fake dating isn't so fake after all…

If it wasn't enough that she'd been cheated on, to find out that she'd been cheated on with one of her closest friends brought a whole new meaning to the word betrayal. Nonetheless, Junie isn't about to tuck tale and run, especially when she isn't the one in the wrong.

If it wasn't enough that he had to babysit a bunch of grown adults, to find out that the love of his life had been cheated on in the worst way, Ripley's left with no choice but to step in and turn the tables on the two people that he'd love to kick out of his cabin, but can't for the sake of peace.

When Ripley announces to everyone that he and Junie are dating, all she can do is go along with the farce or look even more humiliated than she already does. However, the line between pretend and real becomes blurred when Ripley's true feelings start to show, and Junie starts having new feelings.

NOTE: This book contains adult language, adult situations, explicit sexual encounters, violence, a cheating ex-boyfriend, backstabbing best friend, and a Phineas Moore. If sensitive to any of the aforementioned issues, please do not purchase.

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