Facing the Enemy

Facing the Enemy

Title: Facing the Enemy
Author: M.E. Clayton
Release: 2019-02-01
Kind: ebook
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Books, Romance
Size: 291145
What do you get when you have the power and freedom to do whatever you wish?

A psychopath who has no conscience where others are concerned.

Ramsey Reed wasn't blinded by money, power, or social standing, even though he had all three of those things in spades. He knew people with money were just as degenerate as people without it. The wealthy were just able to pay people to look the other way while the poor could not. At only eighteen-years-old, he was already sick and tired of the pretentious pricks around him and all their nonsense.

With his senior year at Windsor Academy underway, Ramsey finds himself bored out of his mind most days. Surrounded by sheep-albeit rich, beautiful, privileged sheep-he finds himself not being entertained by his pawns much these days. However, that all changes the weekend before school begins, when he's at a party and comes face-to-face with a wolf instead of another sheep.

A wolf with sharp teeth, at that.


Emerson Andrews was no stranger to the darker side of life. Growing up in an abusive household, she had endured a life of violence that ultimately led to the death of her mother. However, she was only a couple of weeks away from turning eighteen, so she had it covered. At least, she thought she had until her guilt-ridden aunt came to take her in and move her to Sands Cove.

With no choice but to finish out her senior year at Windsor freakin' Academy, Emerson finds herself a long way from the trailer park she used to call home. Surrounded by opulence where money is worshipped like a deity, it's no secret that she doesn't belong. When she's invited to her first Sands Cove party, that fact is made abundantly clear when she meets Windsor Academy's reigning king.

A king with no idea who he's dealing with.

When there can only be one victor in the battle of survival…
After meeting Emerson Andrews and her vicious tongue, Ramsey knows he'll never be the same again. Determined to make her come to heel, Ramsey goes after her with everything he has, only to learn the hard way that it's still not enough. He learns the hard way that Emerson Andrews is no one's sheep.

After meeting Ramsey Reed and his sinister personality, Emerson knows she'll never be safe again. Determined to resist the unhealthy attraction that she has for him, she does her best to avoid him at all costs. She learns the hard way that her best isn't good enough with it comes to Ramsey Reed, though.

Even though Ramsey knows that Emerson is a danger to his sanity, and Emerson knows that Ramsey will do nothing but destroy her, their connection sparks a battle of the wills so formidable that neither one can simply walk away. If they're going to burn, they'll burn together.

NOTE: This book contains adult language, adult situations, explicit sexual encounters, violence, sexual assault, and domestic violence. If sensitive to any of the aforementioned issues, please do not purchase.

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