The Son

The Son

Title: The Son
Author: M.E. Clayton
Release: 2020-06-21
Kind: ebook
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Books, Romance
Size: 411434
What does it mean when you’re the second-in-command?

They called him The Son for a reason.

As the Benetti Crime Family’s number one enforcer and the right-hand to the Benetti Underboss, Ciro Mancini was the nightmare you feared. In six short years, he’d worked his way up the ranks of the Benetti Family, and he was as brilliant as he was ruthless. With nothing but time on his hands, his climb up the violent ladder had been a brutal one, but everyone knew to stay out of his way.

However, Ciro’s life isn’t all violent sunshine and bloody roses. Six years ago, his sister had taken off in a well-deserved fury, and not a day went by that he wasn’t thinking of her. When an unexpected tragedy forces his sister to come home, Ciro is happy to have her back where she belongs. Unfortunately for him, she doesn’t come back alone.

Life was not supposed to turn out like this, but Roberta Regal had learned the hard way about best-laid plans. Even if she did have horrible taste in men, she was a simple waitress with an unassuming life and she liked it that way. All she wanted was to be happy, be loved, and have a loyal friend or two. It wasn’t too much to ask, was it? In fact, it seemed rather doable.

However, Roberta’s life isn’t all that unassuming anymore when she finds out that her best friend just happens to be at the center of the Benetti Crime Family’s Holy Trinity. Unexpectedly thrown into a world she doesn’t not belong in, Roberta finds herself on the receiving end of Ciro Mancini, and it doesn’t matter that his sister is her best friend because he couldn’t care less.

When your past, present, and future make it all possible…
When betrayal and violence come after his sister’s best friend, Ciro has no choice but to step in and eliminate the danger. Not willing to let anything threaten his sister’s happiness, he’s not leaving Roberta Regal any choice but to fall in line with what The Son of Morgan City has planned.

When betrayal and violence come after her, Roberta doesn’t know what she’s going to do. Trying to deal with the situation on her own sounds like the best idea, but she finds herself way in over her head when she realizes that these game players are playing for keeps. Enter Ciro freakin’ Mancini.

Face-to-face with a common enemy, immense dislike turns into something even more dangerous, and they both find themselves in unfamiliar waters. Still, nothing will stop what’s about to happen next.

NOTE: This book contains adult language, adult situations, explicit sexual encounters, violence, torture, and delicate subject matter. If sensitive to any of the aforementioned issues, please do not purchase.

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