It's Never Not Been You

It's Never Not Been You

Title: It's Never Not Been You
Author: M.E. Clayton
Release: 2024-05-01
Kind: ebook
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Books, Romance
Size: 875676
What happens when you’ve made the biggest mistake of your life?

You do whatever it takes to make it right.

For all intents and purposes, Raddix McKay had the perfect life. He’d been raised like every child in the world should be raised, and that was with loving parents, a supportive sibling, and the best of friends. There was also the fact that he’d been fortunate enough to have met the love of his life during his sophomore year of high school, and there was no doubt that she truly was the love of his life.

When he decides that he’s done working for someone else, he embarks on the dream of owning his own engineering firm, and his brother and best friend eagerly come along for the bumpy ride. With all three men determined, hard-working, and intelligent as hell, the dream is no longer just a dream when he turns his ambitions into reality, failure not being an option.

For all intents and purposes, Madison Amber had the perfect life. Blessedly, her childhood hadn’t been a poor or neglected one. She’d been fortunate enough to be able to live her younger years out like all children should be able to, carefree and full of forgivable mistakes. She’d also been lucky enough to find the boy of her dreams during high school, and he’d only grown up to become the man of her dreams.

When she finds herself supporting a wild idea, she’s all in, no questions asked. With her career already secured, she had no fears or doubts about her future. She also didn’t care how much blood, sweat, and tears it was going to take for all their dreams to come true. As far as she was concerned, failure wasn’t the end of the world. It was brave to try something new, even if it didn’t turn out successful.

When the price of your dreams is too high…
When things don’t turn out as planned, Raddix McKay finds himself in the middle of a situation that he never imagined could happen. With only a few thoughtless words, his entire world is upended, and it doesn’t even matter that Madison Amber has been his whole life for the past fifteen years.

When things don’t turn out as planned, Madison Amber finds herself escaping a heartbreak that she never imagined could happen. For fifteen years, she’d never had any doubts about her relationship with Raddix McKay, but she had them now. In fact, she had too damn many.

A year later, she’s back in town, having missed her family too much to stay away. A year later, he’s been doing nothing but waiting for her to come back. When they finally come face-to-face, she’s ready to flee again because the man that she left behind is not the same man that wants her back at all costs.

NOTE: This book contains adult language, adult situations, explicit sexual encounters, mention of alcoholism, and unhealthy coping mechanisms. If sensitive to any of the aforementioned issues, please do not purchase.

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