Chasing Quinn

Chasing Quinn

Title: Chasing Quinn
Author: M.E. Clayton
Release: 2018-09-14
Kind: ebook
Genre: Erotic Romance, Books, Romance, Contemporary Romance
Size: 540473
What do you get when you mix beer, tequila, and sexual fantasies?

Don’t ask.

With a great job, two of the greatest friends ever, a supportive sister, and an apartment all her own, Quinn Erickson didn’t have much to complain about. Well…if she could just ignore her serious issues with abandonment, then she had nothing to complain about. Still, other than her emotional issues, Quinn’s life was pretty uncomplicated.

However, when she demands a girls’ night, so that she can find a hot guy to ‘destress’ with, there isn’t enough alcohol on the planet to undo the mess that she’s gotten herself into. Armed with the plan to meet a hot guy, rent a hotel room, do the deed, then hope it’s good enough to see him again, Quinn thinks she’s got this thing won. That is, until a catastrophe hits like a seasoned boxer.

Catastrophe = Chase Alexander, her boss.

With a successful business, two of the most loyal friends ever, more money than he’ll ever need, and beautiful women at his fingertips, Chase Alexander had no complaints. Well…if he didn’t count his childhood and his lack of faith in people, then he had nothing to complain about. Still, other than his issues with most people being counterfeit, Chase’s life was pretty magnificent.

However, when he demands a night out with the guys, so that he can get laid, there aren’t enough lawyers on the planet to talk him out of the mess he’s going to dive into headfirst. Armed with the plan to show up to every court date to fight kidnapping charges, Chase is pretty confident that he has this thing won. That is, until craziness starts to take over.

Craziness = Quinn Erickson, his employee.

Oh, the web we weave…
With a girls’ night that’s turned into a complete bust, and a guys’ night that’s turned into possible felonious abduction charges, Quinn finds herself drawn to Chase, regardless of the fact that he is an obvious player. In a battle of the sexes, Quinn and Chase end up fighting it out in no-holds-barred style.

Their attraction is undeniable, but then so is the complicated fact that she works for him. With their working relationship being an issue for both of them, everything comes falling down all around them when their secret is no longer a secret.

Quinn finds herself regretting that damn plan to go out and get laid, and Chase finds himself regretting being attracted to purple-haired spitfires.

NOTE: This book contains adult language, adult situations, explicit sexual encounters, violence, accidents, and some really horrible karaoke singing. If sensitive to any of the aforementioned issues, please do not purchase.

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