Enticing the Enemy

Enticing the Enemy

Title: Enticing the Enemy
Author: M.E. Clayton
Release: 2022-12-01
Kind: ebook
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Books, Romance
Size: 458427
What do you get when someone accuses you of something with no proof?

An enticing desire to put that person in their place and keep them there.

Neo McCellan knew what it felt like to benefit from wealth, power, and privilege. After all, as one of the three McCellan sons, he’d swam in all those luxuries since birth. His entire extended family was made up of some of the wealthiest, most powerful, and most ruthless people walking the planet, and none of the apples had fallen far from the tree. Neo was a McCellan, and he knew exactly what that meant.

However, surprise hits him square in the face when he’s accused of something that would never even cross his mind. With his reputation being what it is, the last thing that Neo needs to ever do is prove himself to a peasant, but that’s where he finds himself. Still, with the uncanny ability to know everything that is happening around him, there’s only one thing left to do.

He needed to show her just who she was dealing with.

Seneca Cabot knew what it felt like to benefit from the privileges of having money. After all, her parents were wealthy enough to send her to Blaineview College. Still, money wasn’t everything, and she’d had to learn that the hard way. With her father never getting the son that he’d always wanted, Seneca was very aware that her best was never going to be good enough.

However, surprise hits her square in her face when her rage has her doing the unthinkable. With her reputation for being goal orientated and practical, the last thing that Seneca needs is to go off the rails and antagonize one of the most ruthless people on campus, but that’s where she finds herself. Still, with so much as stake, it’s not like she can back down.

She needed to show him that she wasn’t scared of him.

When the challenge is so enticing that you just can’t help yourself…
Once Neo finds out all that he can on his little adversary, it’s game on for him. No longer wanting to take Seneca Cabot down a peg, he finds that he’s more interested in that fiery passion of hers than making her pay for her little stunt. It’s time to show her what a McCellan is really capable of.

Once Seneca finds out all that she can about the bear that she unwisely poked, she’s at a complete loss of what to do next. Not wanting to spend the rest of the semester running from Neo McCellan, she needs to figure something out. It’s either that or suffer from her own reckless actions.

No matter how things started between them, the wheels have been set in motion, and Neo and Seneca are very aware of how big the stakes are now. Still, not everyone is on their side, and when someone dares to overstep, Seneca has to decide if it’s worth it or not, Neo already knowing the answer.

NOTE: This book contains no cheating, adult language, adult situations, explicit sexual encounters, and violence. If sensitive to any of the aforementioned issues, please do not purchase.

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