Mobile Journalism

Mobile Journalism

Title: Mobile Journalism
Author: Robb Montgomery
Release: 2020-11-19
Kind: ebook
Genre: Broadcasting, Books, Communications & Media
Size: 117726654
The ‘Bible of Mobile Journalism,’ writes Marcela Kunova, Editor of Journalism Co UK in a book review. Updated for 2023, Mobile Journalism features 200 illustrations, 16 videos, and 36,710 words from master MOJO instructor Robb Montgomery. Video reporting with your smartphone is not the only focus of this interactive guide to Mobile Journalism. Written for reporters, editors, producers, students and media faculty, this ‘MOJO bible’ features 12 chapters on multimedia storytelling, photo journalism, graphics, video editing, live reporting, and all the kit and apps that fuel mobile journalism. From audio stories to vertical video the chapters are richly illustrated with case studies from international broadcasters like the BBC. All editions of Mobile Journalism include links to online videos and access to a companion Web site at the Smart Film School, where readers can view and download additional resources.

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Robb Montgomery