Manual Therapy Return to Work

Manual Therapy Return to Work

Title: Manual Therapy Return to Work
Author: Emily Cooper & Kate Fox
Release: 2020-06-09
Kind: ebook
Genre: Reference Manuals, Books, Reference
Size: 1991626
The content presented is intended for the manual-therapy and bodywork communities, to promote thought and action toward readying for your return to work in a pre-vaccine era of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Our intention is to offer a thought-provoking tool for practitioners. Completion of this thought experiment does not supersede any local, state, or national mandates regarding when you may resume manual therapies. These are the essential driving questions that spawned this thought experiment: What do I need to know? How am I going to do this? How do I get through this? What do I need? Where do I start? How might I expand my practice’s opportunities to educate my clientele?  What prepared materials would foster trust in my services? What may my clients/patients want to know about my treatment space? How do I implement strategies/therapies while providing the minimal risk to myself and others? How to use these pages: -Focus your ideas for your practice or organization into action items  -Explore what reopening means to your practice or business -Record your thoughts, feelings, and strategies